Thursday, December 9, 2010


Before Multiple Sclerosis completely took control of my sister’s life, my sister Mary Magdalene would get up every morning and make a fresh pot of coffee.  What’s amusing about this was Mary didn’t like coffee.  She didn’t eat or drink anything that had caffeine in it but that didn’t stop her from making her usually pot of coffee every morning for us. 
While I would be getting ready for my day, I could open your bedroom door and the aroma of coffee would be filling the morning air; I could hear the gurgling of the coffee machine brewing and I love it.
My morning wasn't complete until I had a cup of Mary's freshly brewed coffee.  My sister would be in the living room watching television or playing the Wii with my mom when I would go into the kitchen for my morning coffee.
“Thanks Mary for making the coffee!” I said as I pulled out my travel mug and filled up for the morning. “Your welcome Emils” answered Mary from the living room.  My mom would already have her steamy cup of coffee by her side as she and Mary played bowling on the Wii in the living room.  Mary was our official automatic coffee maker and she wore this title proudly and with a smile.  I know Mary loved making the coffee because this was one way of Mary showing how much she cared about us.  A simple cup of hot coffee made by love is the best kind of coffee you can have and no coffee shop or café can beat it.  Mother Theresa once said, “Do small things with great love.”  My sister practiced this by simply making us a pot of coffee for us every morning.
Now that Mary has gone back to heaven, I sure miss the aroma and sounds of coffee being brewing every morning because I knew Mary was up for the day and made her famous pot of coffee for us.   My dad or I now usually make the morning coffee but it just not the same.  

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